Bobby Houston

What Are Spectres in Mass Effect?

The Mass Effect Trilogy has some of the densest lore and elaborate world-building in gaming to the point that the series could arguably stand side by side with other sci-fi juggernauts in mainstream culture. The origins of the Spectres date back hundreds of years before the events of the first game. The Spectres were first formed in response to the expansion of the ruthless and aggressive Krogan warrior race. Seeing the potential threat, the Council formed an elite task force to act as their protectors and handpicked the best of the best from Salarian Special Task Group operatives and Asari Huntresses. One such Salarian was Beelo Gurji.

Who Was the First Ever Spectre in Mass Effect?

Beelo Gurji is a former Salarian operative who had gained infamy throughout the galaxy for his brutal methods, including a scenario where he used 30 hostages as bait to flush out a target. Rather than face jail time, Beelo was released by the Council, who saw a lot of promise in him and how he operates, and was given the option to head up the task force, becoming the first ever Spectre in Mass Effect Under Beelo’s influence, the Spectres were heavily modeled after the Salarian Special Task Group. This meant that Spectres were completely above the law and had no formal command structure, answering only to the Citadel Council. Candidates would only be considered if they had displayed superior capability in military or law enforcement and would be subject to an extensive screening process. Certain candidates had been known for their unorthodox methods, something which the Citadel Council willfully turned a blind eye to. The sole objective of a Spectre was to complete their mission. When the Krogans launched their rebellion, the Council’s elite task force, which had been kept a secret to this point, were more than a match for the warrior race. Using guerilla tactics, such as computer viruses and sabotage, the Spectres were able to keep the Krogan at bay until the Turians later joined the conflict. Beelo served with distinction during this time until he met his demise over Tuchanka, the Krogan homeworld. Players actually only learn about Gurji via a hologram recording during the Citadel DLC. In this recording, we see him talking to the Counselor who recruits him into the Spectres. There’s also a bit of lore added to the index that helps form the rest of the information provided above. That’s everything we know about the first Spectre in Mass Effect. Be sure to check out the rest of our Mass Effect coverage, including this Mass Effect-style Arcane intro. Image Source: EA/Bioware

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