Recently, IBM in collaboration with MIT (Maharashtra Institute of Technology”, Pune on Thursday introduced “Chintu.” Well, Chintu is a cognitive assistant powered by IBM Watson that will help senior citizens to do their everyday tasks.   IBM said in the statement that the students at MIT Pune have been using IMB Watson APIs powered by IBM Bluemix to solve the everyday problem. Krishnamohan Manmohan, the student at MIT Pune, said “What I like most about Watson is that it can solve real world problems. These services can be used as and when required, and are always accessible.” Vrushali Kulkarni, Professor, and Head of Computer Engineering Department at MIT, Pune said “The robot has opened up a new and exciting research avenue for our students. Robotics, machine learning, and cognitive computing are interesting and exploring fields of research today, and our students are getting first-hand experience of working in these fields” Well, even the University Relations Leader of IBM India, Mezjan Dallas said that it was good to see that young students could do with technologies like IBM Watson. “This is a great example of co-creation. You put great technology in the hands of bright and enthusiastic students, you give them freedom and a fun element and India’s next generation of engineers start to do magical things. This is the way in which innovation will happen in the future”- Mezjan Dallas added. Chintu, the cognitive assistant to be all of 58-cm tall and about 5 kilos in weight and it is made of a bunch of sensors and cameras. It can complete tasks like reading newspaper/book, it can even provide mood based entertainment services for song and dance and can remind senior citizens for taking medicines in time. So, what do you think about Chintu? Share your views in the comment box below.